This treatment ends an extensive cleaning and remodeling process of your body, the longer the treatment lasts. This conversion process also covers the months after the treatment. Liver, kidney, skin, and other organs are further burdened with elimination processes. What brought you the cure, you can continue to influence you until after 3 to 6 months, during which you can definitely feel more listless than usual. During the period immediately after the treatment, your organism is more susceptible to stress than usual. Therefore, it is essential to rest. Ideally, at least as long as the treatment lasted. No sports or other physical stress, no hypothermia or moisture, direct sunlight (sun or screen!), No mental stress. Anyone who does not take this into account may be partially susceptive to serious complications. Typically joint and muscle injuries caused by excessive physical exertion, as joints have become smaller due to reduction in inflammation and swelling have more room and muscles may be slightly degraded during long treatments. Also typical are abscesses and other skin problems as the organism had previously been hindered in its detoxification process. Always expect unfamiliar spots and other signs of detoxification. Colds, infections, inflammation, headache and fatigue are other typical complications. Please act accordingly, as it would be a shame if you put the successful treatment in jeopardy due to disregard for physical limitations!